Following a series of challenges, including the abandonment of its self-driving car project and an antitrust lawsuit, Apple seems to be venturing into a new territory: home robotics.
Business Insider reports that Apple is looking beyond recent setbacks, such as the scrapped self-driving car project and legal issues, to focus on new areas of development.
This shift comes amid declining iPhone sales in China and a hefty fine from the European Union.
Apple is likely to prioritize advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), considering similar efforts undertaken by competitors like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI. Additionally, reports suggest Apple has been exploring robotics since 2019.
Apple is not the first company to explore home robotics. Existing products like the Roomba vacuum cleaner demonstrate the established nature of this market.
The specific functionalities of Apple's home robots remain unclear. Bloomberg sources mention a "mobile robot" that can follow users around the house, while another rumor suggests an advanced robotic tabletop display.
Apple's dedication to innovation is undeniable, with the iPhone serving as a prime example.
However, replicating the iPhone's success with home robots will likely be a significant challenge.
The initial robotics project, led by Doug Field (now at Ford), reportedly focused on silent indoor drones. Following Field's departure in 2021, Apple's robotics division shifted its focus towards home robots, according to Bloomberg.
It's important to note that Apple's home robot development is still in its early stages. There's no guarantee these devices will ever reach consumers. However, some signs hint at a potential shift.
Sources claim that Apple might repurpose its self-driving car operating system, SafetyOS, for use in robots. Additionally, Bloomberg reports that some engineers from the self-driving car project have been transferred to the robotics division.