This extraordinary story happened in the state of Punjab, in the northwest of India. Two wandering puppies accidentally fell into an abandoned well.
The well was deep, dark, and had been left unused for a long time. The weak little puppies were unable to climb out on their own or make enough noise to call for help.
When the dogs didn't return home, their owner immediately went out to look for them. Following the barking of the mother dog, the owner quickly found the two puppies. The owner heard the barking coming from the abandoned well and followed the sound to find the two trapped puppies. However, the scene before him was astonishing.
At the bottom of the dark well, alongside the two trapped puppies, was a fearsome king cobra snake. The snake was coiled up and appeared to be quite menacing. But to everyone's surprise, the snake did not attack the poor dogs. Instead, it seemed to be trying to protect and guard the puppies against the dangerous water in the well.
Realizing the urgent situation, the owner of the two puppies immediately called for rescue forces who saved the two helpless puppies who had been trapped in the well for 48 hours. Fortunately, both of them were safe and had even been protected by the king cobra.
As soon as the rescue team arrived, the cobra crawled to the other side of the well without obstructing the rescue operation. The cobra was also brought out of the well safely. The two puppies had no injuries and were safe but hungry, tired, and scared.
Experts explained that the king cobra is an extremely venomous and dangerous species, but its primary prey is rodents and livestock, so it didn't attack the two puppies, but rather protected them.