TikTok user Allison shared that she only showers once or twice a week, specifically when she wants to wash her hair. This sparked a debate among social media users as she questioned whether this is 'normal' or 'gross'.
The 27-year-old woman from Boston, America, thought her shower routine was perfectly normal until she posted a TikTok video about it.
Allison, known as @abmccarthy5757 on TikTok, shared her habit of only showering once or twice a week, mainly when she wants to wash her hair. However, some social media users started criticizing her for this practice.
She explained: "So I've recently found out that I am in fact a gross human being and this is because, most girls, when they say that they wash their hair twice a week, they literally mean wash their hair, and they shower every day.
She continued: "I only shower once or twice a week. I've gone five days without showering before. Because if I'm getting in the shower, I'm going to wash my hair.
"Why would I get in the shower and not wash my hair? But I don't want to wash my hair every day. I've had to start saying that I wash my hair twice a week - but I only shower twice a week.", She added.
Allison's video has triggered a heated debate among users who are divided over whether showering twice a week is considered "gross" or "totally normal."
One person wrote: Absolutely not.I can't go without showering every day, sometimes more if its really hot, I love getting in bed fresh & clean
A second commented: For the ones who do not what showering every day does to your skin, especially for those who are allergic to something exposes your skin to drying out and having a hard time sweating, making you more exposed to germs and sensitive skin especially if you mainly take how showers.
Someone else added: It depends on where you live. If you are in a hot country, you need to wash every day if not 2 or 3 times each day.
I only shower on days that I leave the house or expect people. Usually, this means 3 times a week, but sometimes more often. Why should I take a shower more often than necessary? It's not like I smell myself (unless it's too hot). Another continued.
Someone wrote: Maybe I should introduce her to my brother-in-law. He claims he doesn't stink so why should he? Well, he's just fooling himself...now he walks to work cause I won't let him in my car. He stinks and I'd wager she does too.
Many people have skin conditions that severely limits having baths or showers everyday. You still can wash off gently where you have to. Someone added.