
35-year-old man mistaken as teenager shares tips to gain youthful appearance

Beauty - Jul 9, 2024
35-year-old man mistaken as teenager shares tips to gain youthful appearance

Brandon Miles May, a 35-year-old man from Detroit, Michigan, is often mistaken for a teenager despite being well past his teenage years.

People are constantly amazed by his youthful looks and can't help but ask him about the secrets behind his ageless appearance.

People are amazed by his youthful appearance and often ask about the secrets behind it. Image Credit: SWNS
People are amazed by his youthful appearance and often ask about the secrets behind it. Image Credit: SWNS

35-year-old man being mistaken as teenager shares tips to gain a youthful appearance

Brandon explains that he has never had any cosmetic procedures done. Instead, he credits his fresh-faced look to a few simple lifestyle habits. 

Avoiding alcohol, staying out of the sun, and maintaining a positive mindset have all played a key role.

Brandon attributes his youthful appearance to simple lifestyle habits, not cosmetic procedures. Image Credit: SWNS
Brandon attributes his youthful appearance to simple lifestyle habits, not cosmetic procedures. Image Credit: SWNS

"When I go to the airport, security asks me how old I am. They do a double take. The age people think I am ranges from 15 to 19," 

Brandon shared. "I've never had any work done. What I do is pretty simple but effective."

At just 13 years old, Brandon started becoming conscious of longevity and anti-aging. 

At 13, Brandon became aware of longevity and anti-aging concerns. Image Credit: SWNS
At 13, Brandon became aware of longevity and anti-aging concerns. Image Credit: SWNS

He reconsidered his diet, cutting out sugars, grains, and carbs, and instead focusing on plant-based foods, fish, and copious amounts of organic produce. He also incorporated green tea into his daily routine.

"At 13 I was already starting to become aware of longevity and anti-aging. I was really into nutrition at that stage and keeping my body young," he explained.

He changed his diet, avoiding sugars, grains, and carbs, and opting for plant-based foods and fish. Image Credit: SWNS
He changed his diet, avoiding sugars, grains, and carbs, and opting for plant-based foods and fish. Image Credit: SWNS

Brandon is also a firm believer that the "body follows the mind." 

He tries to maintain a youthful mindset and stay active through moderate exercise like walking, yoga, and light strength training. 

Furthermore, he avoids intense workouts, as he believes too much exercise can actually accelerate aging.

Avoiding alcohol, sun exposure, and staying positive have all been crucial for him. Image Credit: SWNS
Avoiding alcohol, sun exposure, and staying positive have all been crucial for him. Image Credit: SWNS

Despite his strict lifestyle, Brandon still allows himself small indulgences, like having dark chocolate every single day. He's found that balance is key to sustaining his youthful glow.

"Feeling young is part of looking young. Living forever isn't a priority. It's about maintaining my health," 

Brandon said. "I think I look better than I did ten years ago. I feel physically and emotionally young."

Despite his strict lifestyle, Brandon indulges in daily dark chocolate, finding balance crucial for youthful vitality. Image Credit: SWNS
Despite his strict lifestyle, Brandon indulges in daily dark chocolate, finding balance crucial for youthful vitality. Image Credit: SWNS

Previously, a 100-year-old woman also made headlines after sharing secrets to staying healthy while working six days a week 

A 100-year-old woman named Mariam Todd is working 50 hours per week at her family's furniture store, and she is sharing the secrets to maintaining her health and youthfulness.

Mariam does not rely on miraculous therapies or magical potions but believes that her diet is the key factor in keeping her healthy.

100-year-old Mariam Todd works 50 hours weekly at her family's store, sharing health secrets. Image Credit: FOX 29
100-year-old Mariam Todd works 50 hours weekly at her family's store, sharing health secrets. Image Credit: FOX 29

She grows her own vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and squash, and only eats canned food that is purely vegetables and sauerkraut. 

She avoids fast food and limits her alcohol intake, which is why she has not had to see a doctor in over 3 years.

Mariam admits that she does not call what she does 'work' because she truly enjoys it. 

Mariam credits her health to diet rather than miraculous therapies or magical potions. Image Credit: FOX 29
Mariam credits her health to diet rather than miraculous therapies or magical potions. Image Credit: FOX 29

She draws inspiration from her mother, who passed away while sitting at her office desk. Mariam believes that if this is God's plan for her, she will continue working.

Additionally, Mariam advises younger generations to focus more on saving than spending and to avoid credit cards as they can lead to debt. She says she does not own any credit cards herself.