You can easily encounter them in souvenir shops; however, their significance has diminished over the years
While this mystery item was once highly recognizable to our grandparents and great-grandparents, nowadays we lack knowledge of vintage items from the past. Even the Internet struggles to define its intended purpose.
On Reddit, one user left viewers baffled after sharing a photo showing a metal spring with plastic, but they don't know what it is.
The post was captioned: Metal spring with plastic ends, 20cm long, no writings or markings.
Below the post, several rushes to comment to find the answer. While someone admitted: it’s just like tweezing. I pluck mine so i’m numb to it now".
Another said: "I never would have guessed what this is"
The answer: "Hair remover used for little hair on one face"
How to use: "you bend it into a U shape and pluck the hairs out by straightening it. there might be some twisting involve." or "you keep it curved and roll it at the handles as you move it across your face."
A Reddit user was baffled after seeing a wooden spoon with an extremely attractive shape and decided to share it with the online community to demystify it. Internet explorers quickly discovered that this object has a rich heritage and fascinating uses.
The post has the caption:"What is this wooden spoon-like thing with two compartments? Over a foot long, phallic in nature.'
They added: "]I found it at an antiques market in the Chicago suburbs, and cannot find anything similar on google. I have tried “double spoon”, “traditional spoons”, and “fertility spoon” after a friend suggested it since it’s rather phallic in nature. (I don’t recommend googling “fertility spoon”) There are some engravings, however I didn’t think to take a picture of them in detail."
The answer: "I think it's called an Ozhau. Tradition ladle from Kazakhstan."
Brass, 4” (long side) 3” (short side), has a hinge that opens 90 degrees. I side of smaller side has ribs along the inside.
A Reddit user shared a picture of an oddly shaped in grandmother and sought help in identifying the purpose of unusual items.
The mystery items resemble hanger attachments, and "hang the shirt and tie inside of the coat/over the pants", but it is the wrong answer.
Answer: "Old bubble blowing wand. Pre 1800s. Before the money pit. Real Bobby dazzler."
Another user on Reddit sought help in identifying the purpose of mystery items.
The post was captioned: "What is this thing?"
The mystery items look like scissors; however, several people believe they have a significant purpose.
One person said: It's a candle snuffer that trims the wick."
A second wrote: "Authentic Antique Victorian CANDLE DOUTER SNUFFER and wick trimmer."
A third commented: "I believe that is what’s called a “newfangled contraption”
A user was left confused after discovering an unusual item while clearing out his grandfather's belongings. He turned to Reddit for help identifying the objects.
The object in the picture bore a resemblance to a spoon, yet its appearance was peculiar.
In the picture, the object resembled a spoon, but its appearance was peculiar.
Several users were completely baffled by the mystery item. While some suggested it could be a tea bag grabber, others speculated it could be an eyelid spreader. However, all of these guesses were incorrect!
Answer: It’s an asparagus server.