
73-year-old woman goes out to clubs, wearing mini skirts and declaring herself an 'inspiration': Don't let age stop you!

Beauty - Nov 18, 2023
73-year-old woman goes out to clubs, wearing mini skirts and declaring herself an 'inspiration': Don't let age stop you!

Age is just a number, at least when you're a 73-year-old woman trying to show that you're never too old to have fun.

Lynne Zekis posts her age-defying clothing and lifestyle to TikTok on a regular basis.

Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging
Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging

In one viral video, the grey-haired beauty is seen partying in an Ibiza nightclub. TikTok users who are decades her junior call her an "inspiration."

Lynne is seen dancing alone in the house at the start of the video, which has over 1.9 million views, wearing a sleeveless black and white crop top, a matching little skirt, and a black crossbody purse. 

Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging
Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging

In the video recorded at 1:30 am, she wore a silver necklace and left her grey hair out. She danced closer to the camera and blew a kiss before transitioning to the inside of a club, wearing sunglasses and dancing to music.

Lynne, a user under the username honest_aging, excitedly shared a post about DJ Fisher's upcoming event, urging people to not let age stop them from attending this once-in-a-lifetime event.

The viral video received thousands of comments, with many amazed that someone three times their age can party three times harder than them.

Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging
Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging

"I’m 26 and I get tired just standing up," one user wrote.

"I can't believe she's 73 years old and so full of energy," another replied.

"She even looks more gorgeous than me, OMG!" the second exclaimed.

"New life goal unlocked," said another, while Lynne is who they 'aspired' to be. 

However, there are still many people who think this is ridiculous.

Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging
Image Credit: TikTok/@honest_aging

"I wonder what she's thinking," one wrote.

"It looks silly," another replied.

"Why doesn't she live her true age, but has to imitate young people?" someone asked.

Lynne, a 73-year-old woman, shares her advice on staying young and clubbing. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a young mindset and keeping the body moving. She admits to feeling less energy as she ages but believes life can sometimes provide a second wind.