Recently, photos taken in the emergency room of a hospital in Istanbul went viral on social media. Photos shared by Twitter account Merve Zcan show a mother cat "hurriedly" taking her sick kitten to ... a human hospital!
Fortunately, Turks are known for their love and respect for stray animals, especially cats. In no time, they were giving mother and kitten the help they needed.
Shared by thousands on Turkish social media and garnering more than 82,000 likes on Reddit, the story warmed the hearts of many fans: "Today, while we were on shift, many employees suddenly caught a female cat Rush to 'carry' her kitten to the hospital" - Merve Özcan, who shared the photos, wrote on his personal page.
The medical team stepped in immediately and checked the kitten's health. The mother cat was also very worried, keeping her eyes on her kitten.
While tending to the "baby," paramedics gave the mother some milk and food to help her relax, local media reported. Turks are known to love and care for stray animals and many people leave food and water for stray animals on the street.
Luckily, both cats appeared to be doing well, but were still referred to a veterinarian to ensure both cats were in good health!