
Backlash after mom-of-two makes separate dinner for 'picky' eater husband

News - May 13, 2023
Backlash after mom-of-two makes separate dinner for 'picky' eater husband

Brianna Greenfield quickly caught the attention of netizens when she shared a video of a family dinner on TikTok.

The Iowa mother of two said her husband was a picky eater. She makes salmon for dinner for her family, but her husband doesn't like it. She had no choice but to cook an extra meal that he made himself according to his taste.

Image Credits:Bored Panda
Image Credits:Bored Panda

She mentioned in the video that she prepared salmon initially, which turned out to be delicious, but her husband didn't like it. Consequently, she had to cook another dish for him because he is a selective eater. 

The video garnered more than 3 million views in less than 48 hours. Brianna said she was surprised because of the amount of attention her share received.

Image Credits:Bored Panda
Image Credits:Bored Panda

It has become a habit for her to prepare many dishes according to everyone's wishes. According to Newsweek, she often cooks alone for her children and her husband.

A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that 75 percent of married women must prepare meals, and that number rises to 80 percent for women who already have children.

In this case, however, Brianna was having a hard time because of her husband's picky eating habits. He never cooks, and he won't eat if no one invites him.

Image Credits:Bored Panda
Image Credits:Bored Panda

"He won't eat it if I cook it wrong. It pissed me off. But now, I can only cook and blame my mother-in-law for not providing him with various foods, like salmon," she shared."

At the end of the video, she hands a plate of food to her husband, who is lying on the couch under a blanket. A series of comments expressed displeasure with Brianna's husband below the video.

Image Credits:Bored Panda
Image Credits:Bored Panda

"Why doesn't he cook it himself? It's like the oldest child in the family"; "In my house, if I don't eat the food cooked by my wife, I have nothing to eat"; Wife cooks, he'll go to bed hungry"; "If my man refuses to eat the dinner I cook, I'll never cook for him again"... - Commented by a netizen.

Brianna shared that despite the negative comments, her husband has a good sense of humor and does not pay much attention to the feedback from netizens.