
Brad Pitt expresses deep estrangement after Shiloh dropped his last name

Entertainment - Jun 13, 2024
Brad Pitt expresses deep estrangement after Shiloh dropped his last name

Lately, Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt has been left 'devastated' after his 18-year-old daughter Shiloh officially dropped his last name.

Brad Pitt experiences deep estrangement after Shiloh dropped her dad's last name

According to a source close to the Pitt family, the actor sees this legal move as 'more than just a name change' and instead views it as ' a symbol of a deeper estrangement that has been brewing for years.'

Brad Pitt is devastated after his 18-year-old daughter Shiloh officially dropped his last name. Image Credit: Shutterstock
Brad Pitt is devastated after his 18-year-old daughter Shiloh officially dropped his last name. Image Credit: Shutterstock

The former couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, have long been embroiled in a contentious legal battle over custody of their six children including Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, and twins Knox and Vivienne.

And it seems the tension has now reached a boiling point, with Shiloh choosing to distance herself from her father's side of the family.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie engaged in a bitter custody dispute over their six children. Image Credit: Getty
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie engaged in a bitter custody dispute over their six children. Image Credit: Getty

Brad is finding it very difficult to accept this news. He has been trying to appear strong, but deep down he is truly devastated.

This feels like more than just a name change, it is a reminder of the fractured relationship he has with his kids.

"Brad is finding it extremely difficult to come to terms with this news," a closer to Pitt revealed.

Brad is devastated by his daughter Shiloh dropping his last name, though he tries to appear strong. Image Credit: Getty
Brad is devastated by his daughter Shiloh dropping his last name, though he tries to appear strong. Image Credit: Getty

The estrangement also comes from Pitt's other children.

The source also went on to claim that Pitt's other children have 'very little relationship' with their famous father.

Angelina Jolie was allegedly using the children as a weapon against Pitt amid their ongoing legal battles.

In September 2023, Jolie herself admitted that she and her children are still 'healing' from the fallout of their high-profile divorce.

The other children also expressed their estrangement toward father Pitt. Image Credit: Getty
The other children also expressed their estrangement toward father Pitt. Image Credit: Getty

Now, with Shiloh's name change, Pitt is said to be grappling with the painful reality that he may be losing his children forever.

The source revealed that being constantly reminded that he has lost his children is of course not easy for Brad. He loves his children dearly and misses them very much. It is a very sad situation for him.

With Shiloh's name change, Pitt is grappling with the painful reality of potentially losing his children. Image Credit: Getty
With Shiloh's name change, Pitt is grappling with the painful reality of potentially losing his children. Image Credit: Getty

Despite the heartbreak, Pitt remains determined to build a stronger bond with his kids as they grow older and become more independent.

However, the path to reconciliation seems increasingly uncertain, as the rift between father and children only appears to be widening with each passing year.

Shiloh declared to drop her dad's last name on her 18th birthday. Image Credit: Getty
Shiloh declared to drop her dad's last name on her 18th birthday. Image Credit: Getty

Remarkably, not only Shilod decided to drop Pitt's last name, but also Vivienne did.

Previously, Vivienne was listed as "Vivienne Jolie-Pitt" in a playbill, but she is now being referred to simply as "Vivienne Jolie". 

This change in her surname highlights the dispute between Jolie and Pitt, who divorced in 2016 amid allegations of abuse and financial disagreements.

Vivienne, another of Pitt's children also removed her dad's last name from her own. Image Credit: Getty
Vivienne, another of Pitt's children also removed her dad's last name from her own. Image Credit: Getty

The legal battle has escalated, with Jolie accusing Pitt of controlling and financially draining her.

Not long ago, Pitt was spotted enjoying a romantic beach outing with his new girlfriend, while Jolie has expressed her desire to retire from acting and move to Asia due to the "unhealthy and shallow" Hollywood environment.