
Dog owner escapes from amputation after bulldog puppy chews his toe

Animals - Jul 2, 2024
Dog owner escapes from amputation after bulldog puppy chews his toe

Lately, a bulldog puppy's destructive behavior actually ended up saving its owner's life.

When David Lindsay's puppy, Harley, started chewing on his owner's toe while he was sleeping, it led to the discovery of a serious medical condition that David was unaware of.

David Lindsay's puppy, Harley, chewed his toe while he slept, leading to the discovery of a serious condition. Image Credit: SWNS
David Lindsay's puppy, Harley, chewed his toe while he slept, leading to the discovery of a serious condition. Image Credit: SWNS

Dog owner escapes from amputation after bulldog puppy chews his toe

The incident began when David was napping on the couch. Suddenly, his wife rushed in and yelled, "Dave, the puppy's chewing your toe!" 

To David's shock, the bulldog puppy had nearly chewed off his big toe, down to the bone. However, despite the painful chewing, David hadn't even felt it because his foot was completely numb.

When David was napping, his wife rushed in and shouted that the puppy was chewing his toe. Image Credit: SWNS
When David was napping, his wife rushed in and shouted that the puppy was chewing his toe. Image Credit: SWNS

Feeling concerned, David immediately went to Addenbrooke's Hospital to get his injured toe checked out. 

After checking, the doctors not only found that his toe was fractured but also discovered that David had two blocked arteries in his leg.

Doctors found David's toe fractured and discovered he had two blocked leg arteries. Image Credit: SWNS
Doctors found David's toe fractured and discovered he had two blocked leg arteries. Image Credit: SWNS

If left untreated, this blockage could have put David's entire leg at risk of needing amputation. Fortunately, the doctors were able to perform surgery and treat David's condition before it became critical. 

David said, "Because of all this, I discovered that my foot is completely numb, I can't feel anything." 

The bulldog puppy had almost chewed off his big toe, reaching down to the bone. Image Credit: SWNS
The bulldog puppy had almost chewed off his big toe, reaching down to the bone. Image Credit: SWNS

The unexpected chewing by the puppy had alerted David to this dangerous underlying health problem.

Rather than being angry with Harley for the damage to his toe, David was incredibly grateful to the puppy. He said the dog had 'done him a favor' by chewing his toe leading to the important medical discovery.

In fact, David made it clear he had no plans to get rid of the young pup because of the incident. After more than a week in the hospital, David was able to return home to his beloved Harley. 

David was grateful to Harley for chewing his toe and revealing a crucial medical issue. Image Credit: SWNS
David was grateful to Harley for chewing his toe and revealing a crucial medical issue. Image Credit: SWNS

Now, David is waiting to find out if he will need to get stents to help with the blocked arteries in his leg. He joked that if they can't save his toe, he'll ask the doctor to just cut it off so he can take it home for Harley.

After the incident, David firmly stated he would keep raising the dog even when it chewed his toe.

"I'll be keeping the dog," David said

David declared he would continue raising the dog, even after it chewed his toe. Image Credit: SWNS
David declared he would continue raising the dog, even after it chewed his toe. Image Credit: SWNS

On social media, online users expressed their opinions on the matter.

People realise that dogs can smell when something is wrong or different with us, right? My mums dog is the one who grassed me up as being pregnant before I told her myself. They know more about our bodies by smell than most average, untrained humans do, one user suggested.

Good outcome, but no way would I be sleeping near that dog again, the second user said.

I get that he is grateful the dog ended up saving his leg but common please common sense needs to prevail here when we think that having an animal in the house that has now just realised it’s perfectly ok to chew a persons frickin toe practically off is a good thing?! The third user shared their concern.

Dogs should never be in the house or sleep with the humans, another wrote.

Doggo probably didn't even have any thought about saving him at all.. It was just hungry and coincidentally saves his life by eating his toe lol, someone wrote.

In another case, a 66-year-old man suffered horrific pain after his pet dog bit off and ate his penis. 

The incident was discovered by the man's concerned neighbors who heard the dog barking excessively around 2 am.

They immediately contacted the authorities, who found the man in critical condition and rushed him to the hospital in a coma.

The authorities suspected the man's penis was bitten off by a dog. Image Credit: Getty
The authorities suspected the man's penis was bitten off by a dog. Image Credit: Getty

After many investigations, the main suspect is the man's dog, which is similar in size to a Jack Russell terrier.

It's possible the dog bit off and consumed the man's penis. Another possibility is the injury was simply from a dog bite.

It was believed that the Jack Russell terrier bit off and ate his penis. Image Credit: Getty
It was believed that the Jack Russell terrier bit off and ate his penis. Image Credit: Getty

Arriving at the scene, authorities found the 66-year-old man in a critical state, with his dog present inside the home.

Reports indicate that neither the man's severed penis nor any other physical evidence of the incident was located at the site.