
Chinese netizens thrilled over remote kissing devices

News - Mar 31, 2023
Chinese netizens thrilled over remote kissing devices

Long-distance couples, even thousands of miles apart, can now kiss each other with a real feel, thanks to internet-connected high-tech silicone lips, priced at the equivalent of 260 yuan.

The device, which is made of silicone and can mimic the shape of lips, has sparked buzz on Chinese social networks. Image Credit: SCMP.
The device, which is made of silicone and can mimic the shape of lips, has sparked buzz on Chinese social networks. Image Credit: SCMP.

The device is advertised as a way to help users connect with people who are feeling lonely, long-distance couples, or even those who want to simulate kissing with strangers.

These "lips" can move and simulate the actual pressure, movement, and heat of human lips through sensors.

Users can also upload their own kiss scenes to the APP for others to download and experience. Image: Taobao.
Users can also upload their own kiss scenes to the APP for others to download and experience. Image: Taobao.

Additionally, it allows an exact copy of the kisser to be sent to the recipient's phone via a pairing app.

This new invention reminds many of a similar utility called 'Kissenger' which became popular on the internet a few years ago, and it has the same functionality that allows remote kissing.

However, the recently released Chinese version still makes many people more unfamiliar and curious because of its realistic design and controversial 'random kiss' function. According to the instructions, users can kiss on the device and 'upload' personalized kisses to the app for other users to experience.

Kissers that have been released have been billed as helping couples get closer. (Photo: Insider)
Kissers that have been released have been billed as helping couples get closer. (Photo: Insider)

According to a male customer, this "kissing machine" allows him and his distant lover to experience intimacy even though they are far away.

The device's 'father,' a man surnamed Jiang, said he came up with the idea after a seven-year long-distance relationship with his ex-girlfriend.

Chinese far lip kisser. Photo Taobao
Chinese far lip kisser. Photo Taobao

The device could also facilitate couples' romance, Jiang said, because it only allows one sender to be paired with one receiver at a time. It also requires the consent of both parties.

The man added that the device could also help people with oral infections.

The Lip Kisser is made of silicone to mimic the shape of real lips and is designed to help recreate the most realistic kisses. Photo: Weibo
The Lip Kisser is made of silicone to mimic the shape of real lips and is designed to help recreate the most realistic kisses. Photo: Weibo

Since its official release, this 'kissing machine' has quickly attracted the attention of the Chinese online community, and the response has been humorous.

"I don't understand what this device is for. Does it matter that you two have to kiss?" one user joked, questioning the need for "kissing at a distance."

Imagine your lover experiencing kisses from different people on the app, I already feel cheated," commented another.

In 2016, Kissenger (UK) developed a device that would allow couples to kiss at a distance, but could also be used for other purposes, such as allowing children to "touch" grandparents on the cheek.

When connected to a smartphone, the device helps communicate the kiss by resting the lips on the included plastic pad and is only compatible with iPhones.