
'Couple's gender reveal party ends up in tears after bakery filled cake with WHITE icing

Funny - Dec 2, 2023
'Couple's gender reveal party ends up in tears after bakery filled cake with WHITE icing

When Missouri couple Alyssa Quintos and her husband Christian discovered that the cake had no color at all, they were rendered speechless.

The cake was meant to reveal to them whether they were having a boy or a girl. 

Alyssa captures the moment she and her husband realize they received the 'wrong' cake. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos
Alyssa captures the moment she and her husband realize they received the 'wrong' cake. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos

The couple posted videos of themselves having what was meant to be a private gender reveal on TikTok

Alyssa's video documenting the moment she and her husband received the unexpected cake has gone viral, amassing over 30 million views so far.

It describes their realization that they had been given the 'wrong' cake.

Alyssa and her husband were seen palpitating unwrapping the cake, their faces quickly turned from excitement to sheer disbelief as they discovered that they had been given the 'wrong' cake.

Viral video showcases the couple's shock and disappointment as they receive the white cake instead of the pink or blue one.

Bakery forgets colored icing in couple's gender reveal cake, leaving them speechless. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos
Bakery forgets colored icing in couple's gender reveal cake, leaving them speechless. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos

Alyssa couldn't help but burst into disappointed smile when she saw the white icing, while Christian quickly observed, "I think they gave us the wrong cake."

After the failed reveal, Alyssa shared that she later shed tears from this incident. She reached out to the bakery via email and sent them a photo of the cake mishap.

Promptly responding to the situation, the bakery rectified their mistake and sent another cake to the couple.

"I swear to God if it's white this time I'm going to be so mad," Alyssa said in a second clip when they prepared to cut the replacement cake. 

Fortunately, the bakery corrected their mistake and provided the couple with another cake, revealing that they were having a baby boy.

The bakery successfully delivered the correct cake, revealing that the couple was expecting a baby boy, bringing joy to the lovebirds. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos
The bakery successfully delivered the correct cake, revealing that the couple was expecting a baby boy, bringing joy to the lovebirds. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos

Although the unfortunate incident happened, Alyssay affirmed that she was not angry and did not take harsh actions against the bakery.

"It was just an honest mistake. They were so apologetic about it, they made it right, they made me a new cake as soon as they could the next day and they didn't charge me for it," she explained. 

However, Alyssay still did not receive the money back for the first cake.

Then, she shared that the bakery explained the cake mishap by stating that the person who made it was "new" and unaware of how to properly fill the cake with different colored icing.

Despite the incident, Alyssa remained calm and said she was not angry at the bakery.. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos
Despite the incident, Alyssa remained calm and said she was not angry at the bakery.. Image Credit: TikTok/@alyssa_quintos

The couple remained joyful about expecting a baby boy, but many viewers expressed anger towards the bakery for taking away their special moment.

That bakery did y'all so wrong, said one person.

I'd be furious, remarked another user.

Why doesn't that damn store give them a refund? What is the name of that store so I never have to set foot here, one user angrily said.