Sleep is an important part of body rebuilding because it gives the brain the opportunity to organize the information it receives during the day.
Making a single sleep mistake can potentially shorten your lifespan! Many people take pride in sleeping very little, thinking they are strong enough to do so. However, scientists warn that this behavior could actually endanger your life
Doctor Dan Friederich has cautioned about the potentially fatal outcomes of getting only four to five hours of sleep. He shared a video on TikTok to warn people about this harmful habit.
"If you think that you can survive on only 4 to 5 hours of sleep every night."
"You're going to have an early death and studies have shown again and again that the optimal amount of sleep is better at 6 and 8 hours at night."
"Preferably at least 7, If you more than 9 hours, it's also bad for your health. But sleeping less than 5 is the worst thing. You could possibly be doing, increase mortality all across the board cardiovascular disease of types of diseases are associated with sleeping that little."
Lack of sleep doubles the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to researchers from two leading UK universities.
As reported by the Express, someone who slept just five hours per night was twice as likely to die from all causes compared to those who slept seven hours a night. Furthermore, sleeping for just five hours a night also increases their risk of dying from heart disease.
According to Science Daily, sleeping too much (eight hours or more) might also double the risk of death. However, the researchers noted that the cause of death was 'non-cardiovascular related.
Francesco Cappuccio, a professor of cardiology at the University of Warwick Medical School in the United Kingdom who worked on the project, stated that there is clear evidence linking poor sleep with risk factors such as weight gain and high blood pressure.
Sleep scientists agree that the key to good health is prioritizing sleep cycles, diet, and exercise.
According to the lead author, Dr. Severin Sabia, there are many ways to improve sleep.
To get a better sleep, you should promote good sleep hygiene, including making sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature before going to bed.
Additionally, you should remove electronic devices and avoid heavy meals before bedtime. Physical activity and exposure to light during the day may also promote good sleep.