In a heartbreaking incident, a 43-year-old woman and her 57-year-old partner have found themselves sleeping on a bed next to a busy roundabout in Cardiff, Wales, as they await the arrival of their first child.
The couple, Nada Venglarova and Ladislav Boldezersky were forced into this distressing living situation after being kicked out of a nearby hostel due to Nada's lack of a valid passport.
Nada, who is currently five months pregnant, and Ladislav had been residing at the local hostel, hoping to find more stable housing before their baby is born.
However, the facility's policy requires all residents to provide proper identification, which Nada was unable to do. As a result, the couple was abruptly evicted, leaving them with nowhere else to live.
With limited options, Nada and Ladislav resorted to setting up a makeshift home on a divan bed placed alongside the busy A4234 Central Link roundabout.
Their temporary shelter also includes a bedside cabinet, which they use to store essential items like a cooking pot, milk, and water.
The couple's living situation is made worse by the loud noise and danger from the nearby traffic.
Ladislav, who is originally from the Czech Republic, like his partner Nada, has expressed deep distress over their circumstances.
He mentioned that he has lived in Cardiff for 20 years and worked as a chef at a Pakistani restaurant on City Road until the business was sold 10 years ago. Since then, he hasn't worked.
His alcohol use became problematic after he lost his job, and it got worse because of severe back pain.
Ladislav also has difficulty walking, recently lost his wheelchair, and now depends on Nada for help moving around.
He has been waiting two years for a back operation and has sometimes thought about suicide. However, he says these thoughts don't last because he knows his partner and unborn child need him.
He also mentioned that he is on several medications for his severe depression, though he sometimes has trouble understanding which tablets he should be taking.
"I have thought about suicide because of our living arrangements," Ladislav admitted, highlighting the immense toll this experience has taken on his mental health.
Despite the local authorities being aware of the couple's situation, they have struggled to find a suitable solution.
Nada's lack of a passport has created a legal and bureaucratic obstacle, making it difficult for the couple to access the support and resources they need.
They worry not only about their well-being but also about the health and safety of their unborn child, who will soon enter the world without a stable home or the necessary resources to provide a nurturing environment.
Many have expressed deep sympathy for the couple and have urged officials to prioritize their case and provide them with the assistance they require, including temporary housing, medical care, and support in obtaining the necessary documentation.
Nada and Ladislav remain hopeful that their story will raise awareness and prompt a swift response from those in a position to help.
They desperately hope that their child will not have to endure the same hardships they have faced and that they can soon find a safe and stable home to welcome their newborn into.