
Experts warn how often you should remove your bed sheets before washing them

News - Aug 31, 2023
Experts warn how often you should remove your bed sheets before washing them

The frequency at which we should wash our bed sheets is a subject that sparks a lengthy and contentious debate, but perhaps we can finally settle it.

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Image Credits: IStock

Whether it's our bed sheets or our beloved pair of jeans, we love to engage in heated discussions about how frequently we should wash them.

There are those who advocate for weekly washing, while others argue for every few weeks. Some people even push it to months at a time (no judgment).

Given the substantial amount of time, we spend in bed, whether it's sleeping, watching TV, or indulging in late-night snacks (let's not pretend we don't), ensuring the cleanliness of our sheets should be a top priority.. If you neglect to wash your bed sheets, it can lead to allergies, skin breakouts, asthma, and general cleanliness.

Image  Credit: Getty Images /Justin Paget
Image Credit: Getty Images /Justin Paget

 an expert at the Sleep Foundation said: "Most people should wash their sheets once per week. If you don’t sleep on your mattress every day, you may be able to stretch this to once every two weeks or so."

"Some people should wash their sheets even more often than once a week. If you have pets, and particularly if you let them sleep in your bed, a wash every 3-4 days is recommended. If you experience allergies or asthma, it may be worth it to try cleaning your bedding more frequently to see if your symptoms improve," the expert adds.

Image Credit: Getty Images /Justin Paget
Image Credit: Getty Images /Justin Paget

So there you have it, but before you rejoice and start chanting 'I was right', certain people should in fact wash their sheets more often.

Therefore, you should increase the frequency of washing your bed sheets.

The frequency of washing your sheets also depends on the season.

Image Credits: Getty
Image Credits: Getty

We have all experienced the discomfort of sleeping on sweaty bedding during the warm summer months - although this won't be a concern in the near future. However, for future reference, experts recommend washing your sheets more frequently in the summer to maintain a cool and clean sleep environment.

While a weekly washing routine may seem excessive, it is advisable if you wish to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dead skin cells, body oils, sweat, and worst of all, dust mites - which include their carcasses and fecal matter.

To provide further explanation, dust mites are minuscule organisms commonly found in most households that can cause skin rashes and irritation.

For some people, dust mites can worsen allergies and survive solely on dead skin cells.

Furthermore, it is important to note that there could be hundreds of thousands of these tiny creatures crawling around your mattress and bedding at any given moment.

With this warning in mind, it is advisable to increase the frequency of washing your bed sheets.