
Experts warn next month's solar eclipse could cause widespread cell phone disruptions

News - Mar 20, 2024
Experts warn next month's solar eclipse could cause widespread cell phone disruptions

Next month's solar eclipse is not only a celestial spectacle but also a potential disruptor of cell phone services for millions of Americans.

Experts are warning about the widespread disruptions that could occur during the event, emphasizing the need for preparedness and understanding among both residents and tourists.

Next month's solar eclipse has left officials worried about its impact on America's cell phone disruptions. Image Credit: NASA
Next month's solar eclipse has left officials worried about its impact on America's cell phone disruptions. Image Credit: NASA

The solar eclipse is predicted to occur on April 8

The event, which is set to occur on April 8, has the potential to impact cellular activity across the United States, affecting millions of Americans.

Millions of tourists are expected to gather along the path of totality to witness the solar eclipse.

However, the large number of people visiting could stress the local cell networks, causing delays and calls being abruptly ended. 

Government officials are worried about the surge in demand and are trying to ease the pressure in affected regions.

The solar eclipse is predicted to occur on April 8 and could cause widespread cell phone disruptions. Image Credit: Getty
The solar eclipse is predicted to occur on April 8 and could cause widespread cell phone disruptions. Image Credit: Getty

Experts are making efforts to alleviate the strain in areas that are impacted.

Phone companies like T-Mobile and Verizon are actively setting up more cell towers and portable towers in areas where many tourists are expected. 

They're doing this to make sure that both locals and visitors can stay connected without any interruptions during the event. 

However, officials still think there might be some problems with communication because of the large number of people in certain places.

During a total solar eclipse, the moon covers the sun completely, causing a short period of darkness in the daytime. 

Phone companies adding towers for uninterrupted connectivity during solar eclipse, but communication concerns remain. Image Credit: Getty
Phone companies adding towers for uninterrupted connectivity during solar eclipse, but communication concerns remain. Image Credit: Getty

This amazing event is expected to be seen by about 32 million people along a narrow path that goes across North and Central America.

It will be the first total solar eclipse visible worldwide since December 2021 and the first visible from the United States since August 2017.

To lessen the effect on phone networks, AT&T studied the network usage during a previous eclipse in 2027. 

They discovered a big rise in text messages and phone calls. 

Because of this, network providers are collaborating closely with state and local governments to handle the expected increase in network activity.

AT&T analyzed network usage during the 2027 eclipse, finding significant increases in messaging and calls. Image Credit: Getty
AT&T analyzed network usage during the 2027 eclipse, finding significant increases in messaging and calls. Image Credit: Getty

In states like Arkansas and Maine, officials are actively preparing for the potential challenges of limited or no smartphone service in areas expecting tens of thousands of visitors. 

They are collaborating with communication companies and exploring options such as bringing in additional mobile cell towers to enhance network capacity.