According to New York Post, In India, the government official has been suspended after he ordered an entire reservoir to be drained to recuse his phone. While he taking selfies, he had dropped it in the water.
According to the BBC, on Sunday, the food inspector named Rajesh Vishwas had dropped his $1,200 Samsung phone into the Kherkatta Dam, in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.
Indian news outlets reported, Vishwas claimed that his phone maintains sensitive and important government information. He immediately thanks to the assistance of local divers to help find it.
Vishwas shared with local media that when the divers failed to find the phone. After that, Vishwas had to pay for a diesel pump to be brought in to remove the water from the reservoir.
The food inspector claimed he had received verbal permission from an official to drain “some water into a nearby canal.” He argued that this action would benefit the farmers by providing them with more water.
After that, he found his phone, but it was broken and not working.
However, three days later, the pumps were run and emptied 440,000 gallons of water. The report stated that this amount of water would be sufficient to irrigate nearly 1,500 acres of farmland.
After finding the phone, Vishwas was subsequently suspended from his government position, because he was accused of misusing his position. Despite the accusations, he refuted them and argued that the water in the dam's overflow section was "not suitable for use."
Indian politicians are outraged by the actions of Vishwas. Priyanka Shukla, a Kanker district official, told the National newspaper, 'He has been suspended until an inquiry. Water cannot be wasted like this because it is an essential resource in life.