The small business owner, known as @twogingerpibbles on Tiktok, regularly shares videos on this platform. Emily Duncan, 31, is known as an animal shelter volunteer, Emily is from North Carolina.
In a recent video, the content creator gained attention after posting a video showing Bambi, whose breed is unknown, being saved by her.
The heartwarming showed Bambi making herself at home on a cozy blanket in the living room.
He was rescued from the brink of euthanasia and provided with a safe and loving foster home.
She told to Newsweek that It took three days for Bambi to realize that he was safe.
"She has been with us for two weeks now, and her fun and spunky personality is shining through more every day".
On August 15, Bambi was brought to Wake County Animal Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.
However, her process of recovery faced challenges when a contagious respiratory disease outbreak forced the shelter to close its doors.
Bambi then was adopted by Duncan and taken care of on December 15.
Bambi's transformation after being adopted by Duncan leaves numerous people heartwarming
A heartwarming TikTok video, which gained 1.8M viewers, showed that Bambi was nestling herself on a cozy blanket, finally feeling secure in her newfound home.
Duncan said: "She was completely broken but is now coming back to life."
Within a mere three days of living in the new house, Bambi started to relax. She seemed to shed her fears and embrace the safety and comfort that had eluded her for so long.
Duncan's house is truly saved her life, because, according to Duncan, Foster's homes in North Carolina have a significant issue with unethical breeding and a lack of spay/neuter laws.
With each passing day, Bambi's playful and spirited personality shines brighter, a testament to the healing power of love and care.
According to Duncan, foster homes play a role in saving abandoned animals.
Duncan passionately advocates for fostering, where there is no financial obligation for the foster.
She supposed that most shelters and rescues provide the necessary supplies and cover veterinary expenses.
So far, the heartwarming video has already garnered over 800 comments, with fellow carers sharing their own experiences and support. Bambi's story became an inspiration for others to consider fostering or supporting animal rescue.
One person said: I just picked up my first foster dog and watching her feel safe has been the most gratifying thing I’ve ever experienced.
A second wrote: It’s oh so quiet.
A third commented: Just the silence alone probably took some stress away.
Someone else added: Are you going to make her part of your family full-time? Thank you for sharing this.. absolutely beautiful and tear-jerker.