
Heart-stopping moment a brave dog holds a tree branch to save a friend from being swept away by the current

Animals - Apr 4, 2023
Heart-stopping moment a brave dog holds a tree branch to save a friend from being swept away by the current

When the poor black dog jumped into the water to grab a branch, it was swept away by the current. Fortunately, its companion was quick-witted and was able to rescue the puppy from the whirlpool of death.

The video, which was recorded in Córdoba, Argentina, shows a black dog running after a branch that was thrown near a dangerous eddy. Very agile, the black dog leaped across the water, jumped onto rocks, and grabbed the branches.

Brave dog risks life to save friend washed away by water. Screenshot Video
Brave dog risks life to save friend washed away by water. Screenshot Video
Brave dog risks life to save friend washed away by water. Screenshot Video
Brave dog risks life to save friend washed away by water. Screenshot Video

However, the puppy accidentally slipped and fell into the river. Although it was swept away by the water, it refused to let go of the branch in its mouth.

When you fell into the river, a dog saved you with a branch.
When you fell into the river, a dog saved you with a branch.

Fortunately, a golden dog standing on the shore quickly grabbed the other end of the branch and pulled his friend to safety. After struggling in the water for a while, the black dog finally made it to shore unharmed.

After being shared on Youtube, the video immediately received many shares and comments. Many people criticized the dog owners for throwing branches into dangerous waters and not helping their pets when they are in trouble.

This dog risked his life to save you. The beautiful gesture touched many people and gave them a lot of praise.
This dog risked his life to save you. The beautiful gesture touched many people and gave them a lot of praise.
The brave dog risked his life to save his friend who was swept away by the current.
The brave dog risked his life to save his friend who was swept away by the current.