
The king's bodyguard horse bit a woman's ponytail for getting too close (despite the signboard).

News - Apr 29, 2023
The king's bodyguard horse bit a woman's ponytail for getting too close (despite the signboard).

Mounted next to a warning sign reading 'Beware! Horses may kick or bite,' a vigilant King's Guard horse proved its loyalty to protect Buckingham Palace from a tourist who got too close.

Horrific footage was captured on camera as the horses bit down on a woman's ponytail as she approached Trooping the Guards to take a photo.

Image Credits: ARK Media
Image Credits: ARK Media

The horse was being ridden by a Blues and Royals soldier when it decided to take matters into its own teeth.

Image Credits: ARK Media
Image Credits: ARK Media

As the woman stands with her back to the animal, the horse is captured on video lunging toward her and biting down on her hair. The force of the bite causes her to flail around before she is able to free herself and quickly flee the area. 

Image Credits: ARK Media
Image Credits: ARK Media

The warning sign placed behind the horse seemed to have little effect on the tourists who witnessed the incident, with some even sharing their thoughts online. Many expressed a similar reaction to the two women who ignored the sign and got too close to the horse:

It seems like some tourists are completely inconsiderate and selfish, even towards the horses protecting Buckingham Palace. I am happy that the horse was able to give them a little scare.

It is quite clear that the sign has a purpose, but it's disappointing that some people just ignore it. The horse did a good job.

It appears that even the horses are becoming tired of the tourists' behavior.

Watching the video below: