
Lifeguard kicks boy off a 10m high dive board after he refuses to come down

News - Aug 25, 2023
Lifeguard kicks boy off a 10m high dive board after he refuses to come down

In Austria, a horrifying moment occurred as a lifeguard used his leg to kick a young man off a 10-meter high diving board.

Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski
Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski

Witnesses at the pool reported that a young man stood at the top of the platform and refused to come down. In response, the pool's lifeguard resorted to a forceful removal technique, booting the young man off the high diving board.

However, it is now unclear how the young man felt after the forceful plunge into the water.

Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski
Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski

According to witnesses at the pool, despite the purported efforts of two other lifeguards to ask the young man to come down, another lifeguard intervened by forcefully taking matters into his own hands.

According to Steyrer Stadtbades, the authority in charge of the swimming pool where the incident happened, they have confirmed that the lifeguard depicted in the video was an employee of their organization.

Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski
Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski

Furthermore, they have confirmed that he did, in fact, kick the young man off a 10m high diving board after he refused to come down.

According to a report by OÖNachrichten, a publication in Austria, internal investigations are still ongoing within the company. The lifeguard who kicked the boy off has been reported to have gone on holiday following the incident.

Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski
Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski

Local authorities are conducting an investigation to address the incident, as reported by Today Times.

One statement from the SBS reads: ''A lifeguards job is to ensure the safety of customers. Therefore it is very regrettable that the lifeguard was involved with the fall.

Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski
Image Credit: Facebook/Gabi Kwiatkowski

'We are doing all we can to be clear of the circumstances.' 

Furthermore, the SBS also issued an apology for the 'lapse of judgment' by the lifeguard after the incident.

Watching the video below: