
Man claimes blondes shouldn't date each other, and people totally agree

Funny - Jan 29, 2024
Man claimes blondes shouldn't date each other, and people totally agree

In a recent discussion, a man persuasively explained why blondes should avoid dating each other, leaving people in complete agreement.

The man points out the potential weaknesses and limitations of relationships between two blondes. Even some blondes agreed with the man's point of view.

A man shares his opinion why blondes shouldn't date each other.
A man shares his opinion on why blondes shouldn't date each other. Image Credit: TikTok/@vinnylocasto

The man shares his opinions about relationships

A man named Vinny LoCasto posted a video talking about relationships on his TikTok account and emphasized that a group of people should never be allowed to date each other.

At the beginning of the video, he explained that love is not based on skin color or body type.

Vinny continues to offer diversity in love, like a black man and a white man, an Asian girl and a Hispanic man, a transgender girl or guy, and even non-binary people.

However, there is one notable case: a blonde couple.

Vinny affirmed blondes shouldn't date each other.
Vinny affirmed blondes shouldn't date each other. Image Credit: TikTok / vinnylocasto

Tiktoker said that if he sees two people with blonde hair dating each other, he will not leave them alone and will prevent them from creating similar bad cases.

Why blondes shouldn't date each other?

Vinny claims that when two blondes go out on a date they look like two evil blonde scientists causing "a city to explode".

He went on to say that a couple of villains that you often see on the streets, in newspapers, and on TV shows all have blonde hair.

The man gave a specific example: when a bully named Chad and cheerleader Lisa dated, they committed a horrifying crime. 

Dead bodies were found in their basement—a collection of human organs in the freezer.

Vinny claims that blondes who date each other look like evil blonde scientists
Vinny claims that blondes who date each other look like evil blonde scientists. Image Credit: TikTok / vinnylocasto

The next reason is said to be that they have too many similarities.

When two people with blonde hair date each other, they may share too many similarities in appearance, personality, and interests. This can lead to boredom and a lack of stimulation in the relationship.

In addition, it also poses a genetic danger.

In cases where both people carry genes related to blonde hair, recombination can cause genetic risks, such as health problems or genetic imbalance.

Most followers agree with Vinny's point of view

Vinny's video has attracted everyone's attention, receiving more than 3 million views and thousands of comments.

It seems that this viewpoint could cause intense controversy. However, most people agree with the man's point of view. Even some users with blonde hair said they shared the same thoughts as Vinny.

Almost all TikTok users agree that blondes shouldn't date each other
Almost all TikTok users agree that blondes shouldn't date each other. Image Credit: TikTok / vinnylocasto

It seems that this point of view may cause fierce controversy, but most viewers agree with Vinny's point of view. Even some people with blonde hair confirmed that they share the same thoughts as Tiktoker.

Some people with blonde hair who have dated other blondes say the fact that they both have blonde hair is "kind of confusing." often mistaken for twins. They also said that sometimes it is scary to look at someone who is completely similar to them.

I'm a blonde and I support this message, one blonde user said.

They look like siblings every time, the second replied.

As a blond with blue eyes I could never date someone blonde with blue eyes, another affirmed.

I am blonde and I will not settle for any hair lighter than brunette, someone wrote.