
Man dubbed the Snake King was once locked up for 40 days in a room with 400 cobras

News - Dec 18, 2023
Man dubbed the Snake King was once locked up for 40 days in a room with 400 cobras

Samsuddin gained fame as the "Snake King" for his daring performances in the snake charm industry

During the early 1990s, Ali Khan Samsuddin, a renowned snake charmer, astounded the world with his extraordinary feat of spending 40 days locked inside a room with 400 cobras

Samsuddin's ability to fearlessly handle dangerous creatures, such as venomous snakes, scorpions, and other creepy crawlies, sets him apart from others in his field.

Samsudin dubbed the king of snakes after surviving 40 days trapped with 400 cobras. Image Credit: Amjad Khan
Samsudin dubbed the king of snakes after surviving 40 days trapped with 400 cobras. Image Credit: Amjad Khan

One of Samsuddin's most notorious challenges involved spending 12 hours a day for an astonishing 40 consecutive days locked inside a small room with 400 cobras. 

This feat not only demonstrated his exceptional skill but also highlighted his deep understanding and affinity for these venomous snakes

In an act of utter fearlessness, Samsudin even went as far as kissing the deadly reptiles, mesmerizing spectators with his extraordinary abilities.

Ali Khan Samsudin fearlessly kissed venomous snakes, showcasing his exceptional skill and deep understanding of these creatures. Image Credit: Getty
Ali Khan Samsudin fearlessly kissed venomous snakes, showcasing his exceptional skill and deep understanding of these creatures. Image Credit: Getty

His accomplishments didn't stop there

In 1997, Samsudin further solidified his status as a fearless performer by confining himself within a box alongside 6,000 scorpions for an impressive three-week duration. 

These incredible achievements earned him international recognition and secured his place in the esteemed Guinness World Records.

It is estimated that he experienced close to a hundred bites during his lifetime

Throughout his illustrious career, Samsudin faced numerous snake bites, with his first encounter occurring when he was just 21 years old. 

In 1997, Samsudin set a Guinness World Record by performing a three-week challenge with 6,000 scorpions. Image Credit: S. Thinakaran
In 1997, Samsudin set a Guinness World Record by performing a three-week challenge with 6,000 scorpions. Image Credit: S. Thinakaran

Despite these dangerous encounters, Samsudin's passion for his craft remained unwavering, and he continued to push the boundaries of his performances.

However, it was a fateful encounter with a king cobra in 2006 that marked the end of Samsudin's extraordinary journey

Following a bite to his left hand during a performance in Kuala Lumpur, his condition deteriorated rapidly. Despite having faced numerous snake bites before, this particular incident proved to be fatal. 

Samsudin's passing was a profound loss for the world of snake charming, as his remarkable talent and fearless spirit had left an indelible mark.

Samsuddin was fatally bitten by a king cobra in 2006, leaving a profound loss in the world of snake charming. Image Credit: Getty
Samsuddin was fatally bitten by a king cobra in 2006, leaving a profound loss in the world of snake charming. Image Credit: Getty

Today, Samsudin's legacy lives on through his son, Amjad Khan, who has embraced the family tradition of snake charming. 

Initially grappling with fear after witnessing his father's tragic demise, Khan eventually found the courage to continue the family's captivating performances for generations.

He recognized the rich history and significant impact his family had made within the field, earning them the esteemed title of "Snake Kings."