A man highlights a common and annoying cinema habit that many of us are guilty of. Aadi Mudhar has taken it upon himself to request an end to this irritating behavior.
Mudhar, an actor and film fan, believes in the importance of cinema etiquette and thinks that we should all be considerate of our fellow moviegoers.
In a TikTok video, the man explains that while the cinema offers a unique and immersive experience, it can be ruined by the thoughtless actions of others.
Mudhar expresses his frustration with latecomers who disrupt the movie by entering the theater after it has already started.
While he personally ensures he is seated before the film begins, he understands that others may not adhere to the same punctuality.
However, he urges them to be respectful and considerate of those already watching the film.
"That's fine, I'm not a hater like that. Just because I can't go to films late, I'm not going to stop other people from coming in late - but just be respectful if you're going to be coming in late.
"Be mindful that there are other people sat down watching the film."
One particular behavior that deeply annoys Mudhar is the use of mobile phone flashlights to find seats.
He describes how latecomers wave their flashlights around, creating an unwanted light show and distracting those who are trying to enjoy the movie.
Mudhar emphasizes that it is not the responsibility of the audience to accommodate latecomers, and he calls for them to find their seats quietly and without disturbing others.
"It's not our problem you're late! That's on you! You've got to shuffle around in the dark and figure out where you're meant to be sat. Being honest, it is such a distraction."
They agreed with him and shared their own frustrating experiences. Some people even talk loudly or have phone conversations during the movie.
The worst I’ve ever experienced. A couple came in late, sat down, proceeded to open up a briefcase, turn on a little light and sift through paperwork and discuss it for the entire movie? One user said.
I got an odeon membership this year so I’m going all the time and have noticed that in almost every film someone is acting up!! & so much worse when I’m in London too. No respect, the second user commented.
I swear it’s older people that don’t have etiquette too. Yesterday during my Civil War screening, this older guy in front me was on his phone every 10 mins, another wrote.
literally if you wanna sit on your phone while you watch watch it at home for FREE, someone suggested.