
Mom requests 18 years old daughter to contribute £75 a month for bills since she has a job

Funny - Aug 6, 2023
Mom requests 18 years old daughter to contribute £75 a month for bills since she has a job

She sought advice online when her daughter refused to contribute money towards bills, despite having more disposable income than her mother

The woman said that her daughter allegedly earns over £800 a month working at a popular supermarket, which comes with various perks, including discounted food shopping.

Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Initially, the daughter contributed £50 monthly towards household expenses while in this job, but she later ditched the job and got a position at a fast-food restaurant.

Without the discounted shopping, the mum has found herself struggling and requested her daughter to increase her monthly contribution.

Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Sharing her story on the renowned parenting platform Mumsnet, she ignited a passionate discussion among other parents. 

She explained: "My daughter is 18 she finished college last year and is taking some time to decide what she wants to do, etc.

"Since August she's worked at a well-known supermarket, earning just a bit above minimum wage and about 30 hours a week.

Iamge: Getty
Iamge: Getty

"Her employer gave her a staff discount card for a family member as well as herself which was saving me quite a bit on the shopping. I still charged her £50 a month which I think is reasonable, considering she has been earning around 800 a month. She has more disposable cash than me."

‘I still charged her £50 a month which I think is reasonable, considering she has been earning around 800 a month. She has more disposable cash than me.’

‘Last week she decided to quit her job. She had a falling out with her manager and quit on the spot, she says she hated it there etc. To be fair it was a stressful environment, but she seemed to be doing okay there until recently.’

Image Credits: Daily Mail
Image Credits: Daily Mail

The mother shared that her daughter now has a new job at a fast-food restaurant, working alongside her boyfriend. She also supposes that her daughter might be earning less in this position compared to her previous job.

The woman thinks the main reason her daughter quit was her desire to work with her boyfriend

She said: 'I think it’s a bad idea but she’s an adult she can do what she wants.’

‘I’ve said to her since bills are going up and I won’t have access to the discount anymore I want her to contribute more.

"I've said to her since bills are going up and I won't have access to the discount anymore I want her to contribute more - I'm asking for £75 a month instead of 50. Which is actually less than I would have saved with the discount, etc. But even still, she'll be earning upwards of 500 a month, I get she needs to save but I feel like what I'm asking isn't unreasonable.

‘She’s lashed out at me and said that it’s not fair because she’s earning less why should she have to pay more, and that I’m being mean and horrible basically. When she got the job at the supermarket I said that her staff discount would count towards her contribution, but she’s saying that I’m penalizing her for switching jobs.’

After posting her story, the mother's thread has garnered nearly countless comments, with people expressing different opinions and divided views on her choices.

One person wrote: She’s an adult who uses the utilities of the house. Her ending up with a lower-paying job does not stop the raising price of survival. Welcome to the real world, pay the $75/mth it’s far cheaper than renting.

Second, commented: All teenagers find this outrageous at first, especially these days as many parents don’t do this anymore. Stand your ground because it’s the right thing to do. 

Another added: My mother always said that the board should be paid in order to understand that throughout our entire life, there will be bills to be paid. I brought mine up to understand this as well. The amount does not need to be exorbitant just constant.

Someone else continued: She's begrudging 75 bucks to help with expenses of HER room and board? When I finally got a job after my mom saved me from being homeless by driving across the country to bring me home, I immediately started paying her 200 per paycheck. She insisted it was too much, I told her it would have been more if not for my student loans.