
Mother-of-three furiously criticized the elderly couple for occupation of her family's seat, even though she had reserved

News - Dec 16, 2023
Mother-of-three furiously criticized the elderly couple for occupation of her family's seat, even though she had reserved

An outraged mother of three has criticized an elderly couple for not leaving the chairs she had set aside for her and her family

In a recent incident that sparked anger and debate, a mother-of-three expressed her frustration towards an elderly couple who refused to give up their seats, which she had reserved for herself and her family. 

The incident occurred on a crowded train journey from Cheltenham to Nottingham.

Amanda Mancino-Williams stated that despite informing the pair that she had reserved seats in advance on the crowded train from Cheltenham to Nottingham, they declined to change their seats.

Mother slams elderly couple for refusing to move from her reserved seats on a train. Image Credit: Twitter
Mother slams elderly couple for refusing to move from her reserved seats on a train. Image Credit: Twitter

According to Amanda, she politely informed the couple about her pre-booked seats but was met with resistance. 

The elderly couple allegedly dismissed her claim, asserting that her reserved tickets were nothing.

Feeling outraged, Amanda sought assistance from the train conductor, who eventually provided her and her children with seats in the first-class compartment.

The mother publicly criticized the elderly couple for their dismissive attitude and declared that her pre-booked tickets were nothing. Image Credit: Twitter
The mother publicly criticized the elderly couple for their dismissive attitude and declared that her pre-booked tickets were nothing. Image Credit: Twitter

To draw attention to the incident, Amanda took pictures of the couple and her children squeezed into two seats. 

She shared these images on Twitter, accompanied by a post criticizing the couple's behavior.

Amanda said: "If a mum with 3 kids and bags has 4 reserved seats for a long train journey, and you're sitting in their seats on a full carriage, don't tell them that their tickets don't matter in a posh voice and then say you're not moving and refuse to make eye contact. Don't be these people."

She emphasized: "I would always give up a seat, reserved or not, for someone who needed it more. But for her to tell me that my tickets meant nothing and then refuse to acknowledge me? Do people just expect you to slink away?"

Amanda expressed her frustration, highlighting that reserving seats becomes meaningless if others can disregard the reservations at any time. 

However, she also mentioned that if the elderly couple had a valid reason for needing the seats, she would have willingly given them up.

The mother affirmed that she would give up her seat if the elderly couple had a valid reason and the right attitude. Image Credit: Twitter
The mother affirmed that she would give up her seat if the elderly couple had a valid reason and the right attitude. Image Credit: Twitter

"Her instant dismissiveness of me and the children told me all I needed to know about her. I didn't feel it was my responsibility to acquiesce to that kind of behavior," she said.

The incident quickly gained attention on social media, with many users supporting Amanda and commending her for speaking out.

Some argued that respect should be mutual, emphasizing that both younger and older generations can display poor manners. 

Amanda posted her reasons for criticizing the elderly couple on social networks. Image Credit: Twitter
Amanda posted her reasons for criticizing the elderly couple on social networks. Image Credit: Twitter

If I have paid, to reserve seats so my family can sit together, then either the conductor removes them, or I do! One user expressed their anger at Amanda's situation.

As far as I was aware the pre-booked seats mean nothing. You don't pay extra for it and you can't force people to move. It happened to me on another train, the second commented.

Disgusting I know they're old but she had pre-booked seats and was pregnant. If it was me I would have moved just seems they could not care less and she could not be bothered with the argument but why should she argue that they should've moved? Old age is no reason for bad manners, Another wrote.

Hehehe...loving the death stare the older girl is directing across the table at those two old tw, someone joked.

Why did the conductor cave in and allow the couple to retain their seats? Had the roles been reversed the family would have been forced to move. This also begs the question, do I need to bother booking seats in the future if there are no consequences? Another asked.