On the Mom on Budget Facebook group, a mother expresses her anger and frustration after spending $10 on a bag of cereal that is only half full.
Mum is furious after spending $10 on a 'half-empty' bag of cereal in a viral post on Facebook.
According to reports, a mother named Renee from Victoria posted an image on the Mom on Budget Facebook group, gaining attention and quickly going viral on social media.
A mother shared that her children mostly eat Froot Loops for breakfast and turn their noses up at other cereals. So, she was forced to buy Froot Loops for her children.
In the post, she expressed her outrage after sharing that she had paid $10 for a bag of Froot Loops that was barely half full. She described the situation as "surreal" and likened it to "highway robbery."
'I was absolutely shocked when I opened the box,' she expressed to FEMAIIL. 'It's highway robbery. I know we pay based on weight, but $10 for that amount is ridiculous. I almost died.'
Renee took to Facebook to share a photo of the brand new bag, prompting hundreds of other shoppers to express their dismay.
"The world has gone mad when you have to pay $10 for half a bag of Froot Loops," she exclaimed.
Acknowledging her mistake, Renee admitted that she had learned a valuable lesson from this expensive purchase.
"From now on, I will only buy Froot Loops when they are on special offer. With my family of four, the box won't last a week," she confided to FEMAIL.
Another mother offered some advice, saying, "I always buy cereals when they are half-priced. They usually follow a six-week cycle, so I purchase enough to last until the next sale."
In the comment section, several viewers criticized Froot Loops for defrauding consumers, while others suggested that the mother should switch to cheaper off-brand alternatives for children,
One person said: Have you ever tasted Froot Loops? They are awful! My children have Weet-Bix topped with fresh fruit such as a banana, strawberries or blueberries.
A second wrote: I only buy Weet-Bix when it is half price and store multiple boxes in the pantry.
While a third commented: I do wish people would cease staying stuff such as this, "the world has gone mad" ... no it hasn't, the world is our planet, it can't go mad.
Someone else said: Might as well feed your fussy kids a bag of sugar, but the parent is clearly dumb enough to waste $10 on a box of not-very-nutritious cereal, whereas cheaper, more healthier options exist.
What do you think about this?