
Mum was left stunned by an ex-partner who just started paying child support and asks to see receipts

News - Aug 8, 2023
Mum was left stunned by an ex-partner who just started paying child support and asks to see receipts

A mother was taken aback when her former partner requested evidence or "receipts" for the child support he had recently initiated. Surprised by this, she asked others if he deserved to be provided with proof.

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Image Credits: Internet

After the couple's divorce, child support inevitably becomes tricky. It involves not only payments intended to assist in covering a child's living expenses when one parent is not their primary caregiver but also the aspects of co-parenting until they grow up.

However, amidst the typical challenges of child support, one woman encountered a perplexing situation as her ex-partner requested to see proof of how his financial contribution was going.

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Image Credits: Internet

She turned to the Parenting Tips Facebook page and shared her thoughts, asking for the opinions of other parents.

The mum wrote: "He just paid child support, and now he’s asking me to start showing him receipts… for what?

"Do you think he’s right for asking?"

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Image Credits: Internet

Her quandary sparked an unexpected online discussion, with some individuals supporting the ex-partner's perspective.

However, many others believed that the mother was not obligated to provide any evidence of how she used the child support money.

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Image Credits: Internet

One person wrote: Show him the mortgage or rent payment for the month and ask where the rest of his half is.  

A second commented: You see I am petty so this is what I would do. Make an itemized list of everything food, child's share of the rent, elec gas, and water. Laundry service taxi service, childminding. Put a price next to everything and send him it.

Another said: If the parent who is actually being the parent and caring for the child had to show receipts for everything paid for the child. The other parent will soon realize they are paying much less than they should be and getting off lightly. That also does not account for their time caring or the extra stress of being the default parent.  

Someone else wrote: My partner's ex blatantly boasts how she doesn't need his money, and spends the child support on getting her nails done and other luxuries !!!!  

If my ex wants to see what his child maintenance payments are, I would send him the swimming bill I pay which is more than he pays me. My ex pays me £33 a month and my child's swimming bill is either £48 or £64 a month (depending on if there are 3 or 4 sessions in the month) as her swimming is £16 a week. I would be happy if he asks so the bloke is in his rights to ask. Another said.