
Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ may appear all over the world, leaving scientists baffled

News - Sep 28, 2023
Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ may appear all over the world, leaving scientists baffled

For more than five decades, enigmatic formations known as 'fairy circles' have perplexed scientists, giving rise to various theories as they randomly appeared in certain parts of the world.

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Image Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto

These peculiar circular patches of bare soil were spotted in Namibia and Australia. 

However, a significant breakthrough in the quest to unravel the mystery of fairy circles was announced this week. Scientists have revealed that these enigmatic formations are not confined to just a couple of regions but have actually been popping up all over the world.

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Image Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Published in the journal PNAS on Tuesday, a new study utilized artificial intelligence to analyze satellite images, identifying 263 sites exhibiting patterns resembling fairy circles. These locations extended beyond the previously recognized areas in Namibia and Western Australia.

In essence, these baffling circles are far more prevalent than initially believed. The study identified fairy circles in regions such as the Sahel, Western Sahara, the Horn of Africa, Madagascar, southwest Asia, and central Australia.

Fernando Maestre, an ecologist at the University of Alicante in Spain and a co-author of the study, commented, “We discovered fairy circle locations in many other places that we didn’t know existed before because most of the work on this topic has been carried out in just two countries, Namibia and Australia."

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Image Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Study co-author Emilio Guirado from UA said," “Analyzing their effects on the functioning of ecosystems and discovering the environmental factors that determine their distribution is essential to better understand the causes of the formation of these vegetation patterns and their ecological importance."

Nonetheless, the question of what precisely causes these formations remains elusive. Despite several theories proposed since the discovery of fairy circles, no definitive answer has emerged.

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Image Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto

One theory suggests that grasses in hotter climates engage in competition for water, resulting in the growth of some grasses and the death of others, leaving behind circular gaps in vegetation.

Another theory associates the presence of fairy circles with drought conditions.

Interestingly, these recent findings may offer insights into whether fairy circles could serve as indicators of ecosystem degradation linked to the climate crisis.

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Image Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Nevertheless, for now, these peculiar circles are likely to retain their status as a mystery, as they have for the past half-century.