
Nightmare-inducing image: Massive bat with 'human-size' wingspan haunts viewers

Animals - May 23, 2023
Nightmare-inducing image: Massive bat with 'human-size' wingspan haunts viewers

Many people were astonished by the bats' large size, leading some to even mistake them for 'monsters' rather than bats. However, these creatures are indeed real.

Image: Twitter
Image: Twitter

These bats are native to the Philippines and are known as 'giant golden-crowned flying fox' bats. Also referred to as golden-crowned bats, they belong to the largest family of giant bats in the world. What makes them 'special' is their enormous size.

The golden-crowned bat boasts the longest forearm length among all species, measuring up to 21.5 cm. Its wingspan is equally impressive, ranging from 1.5 to 1.7 meters, enough to cover an average-sized person. In terms of weight, the golden-crowned bat weighs around 1.4 kg.

Image: Twitter
Image: Twitter

Their large wings serve a dual purpose: besides enabling them to fly at high speeds, they also provide insulation during colder months by enveloping their entire body. When it's hot, these bats flap their wings to cool down.

Unlike other bats, the giant golden-crowned bat does not use high-frequency sound for echolocation. Instead, it relies on its keen eyesight to navigate and locate food.

Image: Twitter
Image: Twitter

Despite their intimidating appearance, these bats are entirely harmless. They primarily feed on fruit and leaves, with figs being their main food source. Similar to other bats, they are nocturnal creatures and spend most of the day sleeping.

To witness these extraordinary mammals and experience both awe and terror, one must venture into the forests of Maitum in the southern Philippines, where the flying foxes reside. Other species of large bats, also known as flying foxes, can be found in Mauritius, Madagascar, and Australia, but the Philippine bat holds the title for the largest.

Image: Getty Images/RooM RF
Image: Getty Images/RooM RF

Regrettably, the golden-crowned bat is currently on the brink of extinction, as its natural habitat faces destruction due to deforestation and poaching."

Overall, the paragraph effectively provides information about the giant golden-crowned bats while highlighting their ecological challenges.