
Opticial illusion reveals your anger trigger based on the first animals you see

Funny - Jun 14, 2024
Opticial illusion reveals your anger trigger based on the first animals you see

The human mind is a complex entity comprising both conscious and subconscious thoughts.

This concept was famously dissected by Sigmund Freud, who proposed a topographical model of the mind, divided into three levels: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious.

The first animal you see in the picture reveals your anger trigger through an optical illusion. Image Credits: BrightSide
The first animal you see in the picture reveals your anger trigger through an optical illusion. Image Credits: BrightSide

Today, we delve into an exercise that taps into your unconscious mind to reveal your anger trigger.

Take a moment to clear your mind. Please close your eyes, then open them and look at an opticial illusion below.

The first animal you notice will provide insight into your anger trigger.

Remember, your unconscious mind is linked to your conscious mind, and your choice should reflect your true self.

The animals and what they represent

The bear

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

If the bear was the first animal you noticed, you likely possess an adventurous and curious spirit. While you may have a quick temper, it tends to cool down rapidly. Disrespect, especially towards those you respect, is a significant trigger for you.

The Kangaroo

Spotting the kangaroo first suggests a selfless nature, with a tendency to prioritize others' needs over your own. However, your biggest trigger is people taking advantage of this and walking all over you.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The Fish

If you first saw the fish, you probably prefer to avoid confrontation. You don't anger easily, but when you do, it's often because you feel taken advantage of or disregarded. Being perceived as weak due to your kindness can also trigger your anger.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The lion

If the lion catches your eye first, you likely experience intense emotions. You're quick to anger and aren't shy about expressing it. Numerous small things can trigger your anger, but you also calm down quickly.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The eagle

If the eagle was the first animal you noticed, you likely have high goals and expectations for yourself and others. Your main trigger is people failing to meet these expectations.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The fox

If the fox was the first animal you spotted, you're likely a quick learner and always on the move. Your biggest trigger is people who can't keep up with you, and having to repeat yourself can make you cross quickly.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The cat

Seeing the cat first suggests a quiet demeanor, but this doesn't mean you're shy or aloof. You prefer to think before you speak, and your biggest trigger is people who dominate the conversation and can't share the spotlight.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The dolphin

Noticing the dolphin first indicates a unique and creative personality. You have a strong dislike for inauthentic people, which is your biggest trigger. However, it takes a lot to provoke your anger.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The rabbit

If the rabbit was the first animal you saw, you're likely energetic and love to entertain. Your biggest trigger is people who constantly complain or exude negativity.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The elephant

Spotting the elephant first may indicate that people often misjudge you, perceiving you as rude or bossy. In reality, you have a kind and gentle nature. Your worst trigger is witnessing injustice or unfair treatment.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

The giraffe

Seeing the giraffe first suggests a kind and gentle nature. You expect others to reciprocate the kindness you show them, and when they fail to do so, it triggers your anger.

Image Credits: Brightside
Image Credits: Brightside

In conclusion, this exercise provides a fun and insightful way to understand your anger triggers. 

Now tell me, what is the first animal you see in this picture?