On Saturday, during Cardi B's performance at Drai's Beach Club in Las Vegas, an incident occurred where it appears an audience member threw a drink at the rapper. In response, the singer immediately retaliated by tossing her microphone back at the audience member.
A fan of hers recorded a video capturing the moment when Cardi B was drenched with liquid from the cup while singing her 2018 hit 'Bodak Yellow.' The footage was shared on social media and quickly went viral.
As the video was shared, Cardi B was in the heat of the moment, and she threw her microphone toward the fans.
After that, security guards quickly rushed to the stage and approached the individual in the crowd to resolve the situation.
Cardi B surprised the audience with her swift action and criticized them for disrespecting the aforementioned entertainers. This moment is now being widely circulated on social media.
Lately, the issue of performing artists constantly facing objects thrown onto the stage while singing has become a global problem.
This affects not only UK, US stars but also K-pop idols, making them victims of such incidents. While other entertainers may feel embarrassed by such behavior, Cardi B took the initiative to retaliate against those who were rude to her!
However, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has stated that they are currently investigating Cardi B, the 30-year-old rapper, for battery.
The investigation comes after an incident at Drai's Beach Club on July 29, where a woman reported being hit by the microphone the following day.