
Spider expert warns about one thing people should do when you spot a daddy long legs

News - Sep 5, 2023
Spider expert warns about one thing people should do when you spot a daddy long legs

Many people are afraid of spiders and may want to eliminate them when they find these harmless creatures in their homes. However, experts urge people not to kill them.

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Image Credits: Getty

According to The Mirror, people often use repellents and plants to either keep spiders away or eliminate them. Nevertheless, these experts encourage people not to get rid of them. Another insect that can annoy is the daddy's long legs, which are often mistaken for spiders because of their long, spindly legs, despite actually being a type of crane according to the Wildlife Trust.

Despite many being scared of daddy's long legs,  a spider expert explains that we should refrain from killing them because they pose no harm to humans.

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Image Credits: Getty

Karl Curtis, director of reserves and community engagement at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, said: "They are out this time of year because basically, they are hatching out of our lawns and various places - they live a lot of their lives underground as a grub, as a larva, and then what they do is they hatch out over the summer.

"Probably now is the last throw of the dice, and what they do is they come out and look to mate, lay eggs back into vegetation, and then they die off."

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Image Credits: Getty

He added: "They often get confused with spiders but they're not, they're flies, they're really good food source for birds, they're really important to play their part so people should let them out their windows and not kill them."

In addition, the expert emphasized the negative environmental impact of using fly sprays, as they harm the environment and other animals. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using them.

Mr. Curtis further clarified that contrary to popular belief, crane flies are not poisonous and should not be feared by humans.

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Image Credits: Getty

He explained that their mistaken identification as cellar spiders may have led to the misconception that they are poisonous. The expert stated that the long, spindly spiders often found in corners of rooms, known as cellar spiders, may appear formidable, but they are not dangerous to humans

"[Crane flies] they're absolutely harmless. While the female has a point on the end of her abdomen, that's to lay eggs, it's not a stinger."


He went on: "The reason they come into the house is for warmth and they are attracted to light so if the lights are on in the house they come inside, and they hatch out in the darker hours to avoid being eaten by birds.

This particular insect plays a vital role in eliminating spiders, dead insects, aphids, fungus, bird droppings, worms, and snails.