There have been many accidents at sea in history, not to mention the sinking of the Titanic. This is considered one of the most famous tragedies, despite the fact that the ship has been slumbering in the depths for 111 years.
Thus, in 1912, the Titanic was advertised as an "unsinkable" ship, thanks to the leading technology of the time. With 2,200 passengers on board as well as many sailors and staff, the ship sailed from Southampton (UK) to New York (USA) on its maiden voyage.
However, on April 15, 1912, the legendary Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean after colliding with an iceberg, losing their lives around 1,500 passengers on board and leaving behind many heartbreaking stories.
Today, more than a century later, these rare images of the ship are still held in high regard and attention by many.
Image Credits: Buzz FeedThe deck is spacious with lounge chairs placed against the wall. Image Credits: Buzz FeedMenus for first class. Image Credits: Buzz FeedMenus for third class. Image Credits: Buzz FeedWaiting room for first class passengers on board. Image Credits: Buzz FeedGym with modern equipment. Image Credits: Buzz FeedTitanic's three giant propellers. Image Credits: Buzz FeedLifeboats packed with people after ship sinks. Image Credits: Buzz FeedDistribution of life jackets to passengers on board. Imae Credits: BuzzedWine bottle salvaged and never opened. Image Credits: Buzz FeedThe gold watch stopped at the moment the Titanic sank to the bottom of the sea. Image Credits: Buzz FeedThe deck chair on the boat were salvaged intact.Image Credits: Buzz FeedImage Credits: InsiderImage Credits: InsiderImage Credits: Insider