Mihailo Tolotos, from Halkidiki, Greece, spent his 82-year life without ever knowing what a woman looked like.
He only knew the existence of women through conversations with peers and descriptions found in books.
He was born in 1856 and then lost his mother shortly after his birth, leaving him orphaned.
He was adopted by Orthodox monks at a monastery on Mount Athos, Greece.
Trotos follow strict rules in the area, one of which is that t there are no women allowed.
Laws prohibiting women and domestic animals such as cattle and sheep from entering the mountain date back to the 10th century and are still in force today.
The rationale behind this rule was to ensure that all monks residing in all monasteries on Mount Athos met the requirement of lifelong celibacy.
Despite the opportunity to explore the outside world and potentially encounter individuals of the opposite gender, however, Tolotos remained within the confines of Mount Athos for decades, never venturing beyond its boundaries.
His life came to an end in 1938 at the age of 82, having shown no inclination to venture beyond his home.
Upon his passing, the monks residing at Mount Athos conducted a special burial for him, considering him a unique individual in the world due to without ever knowing what a woman looked like
His demise was highlighted in a newspaper article, which not only emphasized his unfamiliarity with women but also noted that his life had been devoid of encounters with cars, airplanes, and even movies.
Dated October 29, 1938, a newspaper clipping from the Edinburgh Daily Courier stated: 'Monk dies in Greece without ever seeing woman.'
'Neither had he beheld an automobile, a movie, or an airplane. His mother died when he was born, Athens reports, and he was brought up in the monastery, where no woman ever enters.'
At present, Mount Athos holds the designation of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and draws numerous visitors annually. Despite this, the prohibition on women's entry remains in effect. In recent times, the avaton rule has faced criticism for being discriminatory and outmoded.
The Mount Athos community encompasses 20 monasteries that accommodate approximately 2,000 Eastern Orthodox monks from various regions worldwide.