However, countless stray animals are cruelly abandoned by their owners. The story of one lucky dog rescued after being left alone in a landfill for so long will get us thinking.
a good Samaritan discovery of an abandoned puppy, who individual immediately contacted Hope For Pets to report the case. The abandoned puppy with a message from her owner, "Unlucky Puppy, please assist me."
However, nobody in the neighborhood has any information available about the poor puppy.
While discovering the abandoned dog lying beside a rock, the rescuer noticed some strange behavior from the puppy. Her eyes were always looking in the opposite direction of the trail. Sadly, her owner had left and was never going to come back for her.
Hope For Pet posted a video of an abandoned puppy on social media with the caption "Unlucky Puppy - Help Me!". The video went viral and attracted attention from the community.
Additionally, Hope For Pets needs your assistance in providing additional information to aid to find her owner. Please contact them promptly.
Watching the video below: