DG EYE Science has released a YouTube video showcasing the chilling details of what could occur if someone were unintentionally separated from their spacesuit while lost in space.
While this scenario may not be relatable for most, it provides intriguing insights that challenge conventional expectations. Contrary to cinematic depictions, the video asserts that the likelihood of exploding in such a situation is surprisingly low.
During the initial moments, your body's gases will start to expand, while the air in your lungs triggers lung tissue rupture.
Within five seconds, evaporation will begin with the water on your skin, eyes, and mouth, while the water in your bloodstream begins to boil.
Subsequently, the simulation illustrates your body's enlargement, resembling a robust human balloon, thanks to the skin's elasticity and its strength against pressure.
After losing consciousness, your heart will eventually slow down and stop, leading to death by asphyxiation. The video portrays the body taking on a gray hue as life fades away.
Within a mere 10 seconds of exposure to the vacuum of space, an astronaut's blood, and bodily fluids would vaporize. In 15 seconds, they would lose consciousness due to bodily expansion and lung collapse, as stated by Popular Science.
Within 30 seconds, the unfortunate astronaut would become paralyzed or, more likely, deceased, succumbing to either asphyxiation or decompression.
Due to the extremely low temperatures in space, the body would freeze for about 12-26 hours, depending on your location in space. However, if you were to approach a certain star, your body would burn up immediately.
When frozen, the decomposition process would slow significantly due to the lower temperature. Your body would remain frozen and adrift in space for millions of years.