Suzie Cheiko, a former Insurance Australia Group (IAG) employee for 18 years, has spoken out about her recent dismissal and the challenges she faces in finding new employment.'
Cheiko faced performance monitoring, which ultimately led to disciplinary action.
In fact, she was placed on a performance improvement plan in November 2022 due to concerns regarding her output. This plan included monitoring her keyboard activity for 49 days between October and December.
Following a review of her work, IAG terminated Cheiko's employment in February 2023 due to missed deadlines, absences, and an uncompleted task resulting in a fine for the company. The Fair Work Commission upheld IAG's decision.
During the Fair Work Commission hearing, inconsistencies in Cheiko's work schedule were revealed.
It was reported that she did not work her full allocated hours on 44 days, started work late on 47 days, and left early on 29 days. Furthermore, there were four days where she logged no work hours at all.
Cheiko expressed concerns about securing future employment due to the public nature of her case.
She is currently receiving Centrelink payments and has begun leveraging her newfound online presence on TikTok, where she boasts nearly 8,000 followers.
Cheiko uses the TikTok platform to raise awareness about mental health issues, a topic close to her heart.
While her social media presence generates a small income, it primarily serves as a tool for advocacy and mental health support.