
Why are there two buttons to flush the toilet?

News - Jan 27, 2024
Why are there two buttons to flush the toilet?

This question puzzled many individuals. Some admitted that they never paid much attention to the toilet's flushing mechanism and simply pressed the button after using it, while others believed that the two different buttons on the toilet allowed us to choose the water level for flushing.

Why are there two flush buttons on the toilet and what is the difference in their functions is something that not everyone knows.

The flush buttons on the toilet tank are where we press to release the water and flush away waste after using the toilet. Many people are unaware of the purpose of this design and often press both buttons simultaneously.

Some people admit that they never pay much attention to the toilet's flushing after using it.
Some people admit that they never pay much attention to the toilet's flushing after using it. Image Credits: Getty

In reality, manufacturers introduced two flush buttons to create two flushing modes to adjust the amount of water used.

Pressing the smaller button releases a smaller amount of water (half tank capacity, usually around 3 liters), suitable for liquid waste. On the other hand, pressing the larger button releases the entire amount of water stored in the tank (usually around 6 liters).

The larger button will release the entire amount of water in the tank. Image Credits: Getty
The larger button will release the entire amount of water in the tank. Image Credits: Getty

So, what happens if you press both buttons at the same time? In that case, the device defaults to the full flush mode, releasing the entire water volume.

The same principle applies to toilets that do not have buttons but use a lever. If you push the lever halfway, only half the amount of water is flushed, while pushing it fully releases a double amount of water.

Distinguishing between the two flushing modes helps conserve water effectively, preventing resource wastage, saving money, and reducing environmental impact.

The smaller button will release a smaller amount of water. Image
The smaller button will release a smaller amount of water. Image

Why is it necessary to close the toilet lid before flushing?

Experts often advise closing the toilet lid before flushing. This simple action has three significant benefits.

Limiting the spread of bacteria:

According to studies, if you don't close the toilet lid, flushing after using it can cause waste particles and bacteria to spray up to 4.5 meters and settle on all surfaces in the bathroom. Since toilets are typically integrated into bathrooms, which contain towels, toothbrushes, and various other objects, they can become contaminated.

Among the bacteria found in bathrooms, E. coli is the most dangerous. It can infect anyone entering the room within 4-6 hours and can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Experts generally recommend closing the toilet seat before flushing to avoid the interaction of bacteria. Image Credits: Getty
Experts generally recommend closing the toilet seat before flushing to avoid the interaction of bacteria. Image Credits: Getty

Now you know why there are two flush buttons on the toilet. Remember to use the appropriate flush button to save water.

Reducing the risk of chemical pollution:

When cleaning the toilet with chemicals, it's advisable to close the toilet lid before flushing. This helps minimize the risk of chemical particles spreading in the bathroom and being inhaled.

In addition to closing the lid before flushing, here are some additional tips:

Keep toothbrushes and personal hygiene products away from the toilet.

If you are using a public restroom, leave immediately after flushing.

Furthermore, you should avoid some common mistakes when using the toilet:

Not drying the toilet brush: After using the toilet brush, make sure to dry it. Limited airflow inside the storage compartment creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Therefore, after each use, place the toilet brush under the lid to allow it to air dry.

Not disinfecting the toilet brush: Disinfect the toilet brush twice a month to eliminate bacteria.

Spending excessive time in the bathroom: Try not to spend too much time in the bathroom during your bathroom breaks, as doctors warn that this can lead to hemorrhoids.