Rosangela Almeida dos Santos, 37, was buried alive by mistake at a cemetery in Riachao das Neves, northeast Brazil. The woman screamed in desperation to escape. She was feared to have lay conscious for 11 days under the grave.
Eventually, the family dug up the grave and found Rosangela dead. In the clip recording the incident, the excavators said her body was still warm. They quickly called an ambulance.
However, the woman died in the hospital and was buried the next day.
Eleven days after Rosangela laid to rested, the people who lived near the cemetery heard screams and bangs coming from inside the tomb. They informed her family to proceed with the excavation. Her body was still warm when it was found.
The woman had wounded hands and forehead, it looks like she had been trying to escape. The cotton wool in her ears and nostrils had fallen out too.
The nails around the coffin were pushed up, with scratches and blood inside.
Rosangela's mother, Germana de Almeida, claimed there were no injuries when she buried her daughter.
Earlier, Rosangela was taken by her family to Oeste Hospital in Barreiras, Bahia, northeastern Brazil due to severe fatigue. The woman had a heart attack twice before she died of "septic shock."
Rosangela had a history of fainting spells since she was seven and had to take anti-convulsive medication. Her official funeral then took place in Riachao das Neves,the following day in January 2018.