Monique Jeremiah, an Australian entrepreneur from Queensland, found herself in a tight financial situation with her income drying up. To make some extra cash, she came up with the idea of renting half of her mattress to those looking for affordable sleep for $631 a month.
By offering this service, Monique has managed to generate an additional £500 per month, proclaiming it as the ideal solution for individuals who are feeling lonely and poor.
Monique Jeremiah, in addition to her regular job, decided to get into "hot bedding" to increase her income.
Hot bedding involves renting out the vacant side of your bed to people in need.
While some might find the idea of sharing a bed with a stranger unsettling, the 36-year-old from Australia believes it's perfectly acceptable if you don't think about it too much.
Thanks to this endeavor, she has successfully generated a monthly income of £500 (AUD$985), so there is money to be made from this job."
According to Caters News, she said: 'Hot bedding is excellent for people who can detach emotionally and sleep next to another person in a completely respectful and non-strings-attached manner,'
'It is the perfect situation, especially if you are a sapiosexual, like myself, and you prefer companionship over the physical,' she explained.
According to Jeremiah, hot bedding is comparable to sharing a room with two separate beds, with the only difference being that you share a singular mattress. She believes that hot bedding involves two people who respect each other's space and boundaries.
She added: "You want a big bed and lots of space in the room to make it worthwhile."
At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Monique found herself experiencing personal and professional setbacks. Firstly, she became single during this time.
Additionally, her thriving international education agency and student accommodation business collapsed due to the impact of the virus.
"My life was imploding beyond my control," she said.
"I knew my only option was to innovate and think outside the box, and that’s how I decided to do hot bedding."
I have rented to my previous partner now twice,' she said. 'He will be sleeping with me again soon.'
'I will be raising the hot bedding rate to $160 a week when he returns as the cost of living has gone up significantly in Australia and my room is still a beautiful, comfortable room, the size of a five-star hotel suite,' she said.
Despite the concept being perceived as unconventional by some, Jeremiah asserts that hot bedding has proven to be ideal for her so far.