
Woman shames fellow flyers who don’t exit by row: ‘Biggest pet peeve’

News - Jul 31, 2023
Woman shames fellow flyers who don’t exit by row: ‘Biggest pet peeve’

On TikTok, discussions about reclining seats and seat swapping are familiar topics. Recently, TikTok user Mikayla, known as @mickeyyyt, has created a stir by calling out passengers who don't follow the row-by-row existing protocol.

Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok
Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok

She shared a viral video to shed light on the correct way to disembark from the plane.

In the video, Mikayla and her friend are seen seated, and the camera pans over the aisle where a line of people can be seen coming from rows located behind them.

Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok
Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok

In the video, the long line of passengers waiting to disembark from the flight seemed to stretch all the way to the rear of the plane.

Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok
Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok

Upon seeing the line of passengers, she and her friend shook their heads. Moreover, she glanced back at the camera with an exasperated expression.

In the caption, she wrote, "Aren't we all going to the same place?!?!"

Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok
Image Credits:sarahjohnstonturner/TikTok

Mikayla's frustration with the majority of the passengers' exit strategy resonated with many others. As a result, the video has garnered the attention of more than 3 million viewers.

One person wrote: I will get off when it's my row! I will get in front of them 

Another commented: people always stand immediately but will let you in when it's your turn

Someone else added: The way I’ve noticed this starting to happen recently. It’s insane

One user argued: 2 exceptions: 1) if everyone is just seated and not getting up at all  & 2) if the plane is late and people have connecting flights they NEED to to.

Another added: if I am aisle, I am the guy that stands as soon as we land. And I stay there until the seats in my row empty out and then I go.

Someone else continued: The only time I’ve ever seen this happen is if there were connecting flights soon and everyone that didn’t have one was asked to sit and wait.

Most people never even knew there’s an etiquette and it’s ridiculous. I hate it. They stand next to you for what seems like hours and they smell. Another commented. 

I used to get annoyed until I had a layover that gave me 5 minutes to get to my next flight, someone else fumed.