
Woman who refuses to shave off her mustache and unibrow claims it enhances her life

News - Feb 1, 2024
Woman who refuses to shave off her mustache and unibrow claims it enhances her life

To display self-acceptance, a 31-year-old woman named Eldina Jaganjac from Copenhagen, Denmark, has chosen to embrace her natural appearance by refusing to shave off her mustache and unibrow. 

She believes that preserving her natural beauty helps her feel like she stands out and keeps out suitors with conservative views.

A woman refuse to shave off her mustache and unibrows to maintain her nature appearance.
A woman refuse to shave off her mustache and unibrows to maintain her natural appearance. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac

Woman is more confident after refusing to shave her mustache and unibrows

A Danish woman named Eldina Jaganjac refused to shave her mustache and unibrows to preserve her natural facial features.

Eldina said that raising them helps her become more prominent and confident. However, it also caught the attention of many people, causing her to be criticized and laughed at.

Even without shaving her mustache and unibrows, Eldina still feels feminine and attracts more attention from men.

Eldina feels frustrated and tired that women have to spend a lot of time and money to maintain their appearance according to social standards.

Eldina feels satisfied with not shaving her mustache and unibrows.
Eldina feels satisfied with not shaving her mustache and unibrows. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac

Women must choose a socially appropriate appearance

The 31-year-old woman shared that she once felt she had very few choices about her appearance.

She often has to spend a lot of time, money, and effort just to refine her appearance to conform to social standards, especially in crowded places.

Eldina also emphasized that no one will pay attention to whether a man shaves his beard and unibrows. But if it were a woman, things would be different.

They will be criticized, disparaged, or ostracized just because of their different appearance.

Previously, Eldina also had a similar feeling when she had to tirely create a socially appropriate image before going out.

She will not feel comfortable if her eyebrows are too big or her leg hair is too long, and they are not shaved cleanly before leaving the house.

Eldina said that women often spend too much time refining their appearance that meet their social standards. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac
Eldina said that women often spend too much time refining their appearance that meet their social standards. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac

Decide to change her life

Eldina decided to stop shaving her unibrows and mustache in 2020 to live with her preferences and desired image.

However, she had to face many judgmental looks and insults from many people. Some even shouted at her just because of her strange appearance.

Eldina emphasized that she only focuses on the goals she sets instead of paying too much attention to how she appears to others.

She also shared that she doesn't care what people think of her because she may only meet them once, and most of all, they are just passersby.

Eldina feels more confident since stopping shaving her mustache and unibrows.
Eldina feels more confident since stopping shaving her mustache and unibrows. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac

Eldina affirmed that this was a personal choice without any other intention, such as making a play on words or becoming famous.

The woman hopes that people will respect those who choose their appearance according to their preferences.

Growing a mustache and unibrows helped Eldina eliminate some mates with conservative views

Eldina believes that what she is doing has helped her a lot in choosing a partner. She is willing to eliminate any suitor who has conservative views on her appearance.

Adult men often stare at her eyebrows as something strange, while some teenagers say insulting words about her appearance. However, Eldina said she did not care about that.

Eldina in her teenage always tirely creates a socially appropriate image before going out.
Eldina in her teenage always tirely creates a socially appropriate image before going out. Image Credit: Eldina Jaganjac